How to describe a brand and products using a website. Check this homepage!
The designer checked various list of the best sites of winemakers. I saw a lot of brands and the sites that they offer. My deductions of all that Is that The website is linked to the size of the wine house, the number of Products/ Brands or even if they have the shopping options or distributors.
Design by:
Michael Allen Vuksta
April 20, 2018 at 8:04 pmLink leads to Google Drive but message appears stating: “This folder is in the owner’s trash. To view this folder, ask the owner (David Abisai Gomez) to restore it.”
However, I have not found a link to contact the owner.
Please advise on how to proceed. Thank you for the courtesy of your attention and prompt reply.
April 26, 2018 at 11:56 amHello,
Thanks for the info. I have contacted the owner on Behance, no answer so far.
This is the owner if you want to contact him